Script to add users to a hold

Original from this Microsoft page

#script begin
" " 
write-host "***********************************************"
write-host " Office 365 Security & Compliance Center " -foregroundColor yellow -backgroundcolor darkgreen
write-host " eDiscovery cases - Add users to a hold " -foregroundColor yellow -backgroundcolor darkgreen 
write-host "***********************************************"
" " 
# Get user credentials & Connect to Office 365 SCC, SPO

$credentials = Get-Credential -Message "Specify your credentials to connect to the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center and SharePoint Online"
$s = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri "" -Credential $credentials -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection -SessionOption (New-PSSessionOption -SkipCACheck -SkipCNCheck -SkipRevocationCheck)
$a = Import-PSSession $s -AllowClobber

if (!$s)
 Write-Error "Couldn't create PowerShell session."

# Load the SharePoint assemblies from the SharePoint Online Management Shell
# To install, go to
if (!$SharePointClient -or !$SPRuntime -or !$SPUserProfile)
 $SharePointClient = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint.Client")
 $SPRuntime = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime")
 $SPUserProfile = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles")

if (!$SharePointClient)
 Write-Error "The SharePoint Online Management Shell isn't installed. Please install it from: and then re-run this script."

if (!$spCreds)
 $spCreds = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($credentials.UserName, $credentials.Password)

# Get the user's MySite domain name. We use this to create the admin URL and root URL for OneDrive for Business
$mySiteDomain = Read-Host "Enter the name of your organization's MySite domain. For example, 'contoso' for ''"

# Get other required information
$casename = Read-Host "Enter the name of the case"
$caseexists = (get-compliancecase -identity "$casename" -erroraction SilentlyContinue).isvalid
if($caseexists -ne 'True')
write-host "A case named '$casename' doesn't exist. Please specify the name of an existing case, or create a new case and then re-run the script." -foregroundColor Yellow
}While($caseexists -ne 'True')

$holdName = Read-Host "Enter the name of the new hold"
$holdexists=(get-caseholdpolicy -identity "$holdname" -case "$casename" -erroraction SilentlyContinue).isvalid
if($holdexists -eq 'True')
write-host "A hold named '$holdname' already exists. Please specify a new hold name." -foregroundColor Yellow
}While($holdexists -eq 'True')

$holdQuery = Read-Host "Enter a search query to create a query-based hold, or press Enter to hold all content"
$holdstatus = read-host "Do you want the hold enabled after it's created? (Yes/No)"

$inputfile = read-host "Enter the name of the text file that contains the email addresses of the users to add to the hold"
$fileexists = test-path -path $inputfile
if($fileexists -ne 'True'){write-host "$inputfile doesn't exist. Please enter a valid file name." -foregroundcolor Yellow}
}while($fileexists -ne 'True')

#Import the list of addresses from the txt file. Trim any excess spaces and make sure all addresses 
 #in the list are unique.
 [array]$emailAddresses = Get-Content $inputfile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | where {$_.trim() -ne ""} | foreach{ $_.Trim() }
 [int]$dupl = $emailAddresses.count
 [array]$emailAddresses = $emailAddresses | select-object -unique
 $dupl -= $emailAddresses.count

#Validate email addresses so the hold creation does not run in to an error.
if($emailaddresses.count -gt 0){
write-host ($emailAddresses).count "addresses were found in the text file. There were $dupl duplicate entries in the file." -foregroundColor Yellow
Write-host "Validating the email addresses. Please wait..." -foregroundColor Yellow
$finallist =@()
foreach($emailAddress in $emailAddresses)
if((get-recipient $emailaddress -erroraction SilentlyContinue).isvalid -eq 'True')
{$finallist += $emailaddress}
else {"Unable to find the user $emailaddress"
[array]$excludedlist += $emailaddress}
#find user's OneDrive Site URL using email address
Write-Host "Getting the URL for each user's OneDrive for Business site." -foregroundColor Yellow
$AdminUrl = "https://$"
$mySiteUrlRoot = "https://$"

# Add the path of the User Profile Service to the SPO admin URL, then create a new webservice proxy to access it
$proxyaddr = "$AdminUrl/_vti_bin/UserProfileService.asmx?wsdl"
$UserProfileService= New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $proxyaddr -UseDefaultCredential False
$UserProfileService.Credentials = $credentials

# Take care of auth cookies
$strAuthCookie = $spCreds.GetAuthenticationCookie($AdminUrl)
$uri = New-Object System.Uri($AdminUrl)
$container = New-Object System.Net.CookieContainer
$container.SetCookies($uri, $strAuthCookie)
$UserProfileService.CookieContainer = $container
$urls = @()
foreach($emailAddress in $emailAddresses)
 $prop = $UserProfileService.GetUserProfileByName("i:0#.f|membership|$emailAddress") | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "PersonalSpace" }
 $url = $prop.values[0].value
 if($url -ne $null){
 $furl = $mySiteUrlRoot + $url
 $urls += $furl
 Write-Host "- $emailAddress => $furl"
 [array]$ODadded += $furl}
 Write-Warning "Couldn't locate OneDrive for $emailAddress"
 [array]$ODExluded += $emailAddress
 catch { 
 Write-Warning "Could not locate OneDrive for $emailAddress"
 [array]$ODExluded += $emailAddress
 Continue }

if(($finallist.count -gt 0) -or ($urls.count -gt 0)){
Write-Host "Creating the hold named $holdname. Please wait..." -foregroundColor Yellow
if(($holdstatus -eq "Y") -or ($holdstatus -eq "y") -or ($holdstatus -eq "yes") -or ($holdstatus -eq "YES")){
New-CaseHoldPolicy -Name "$holdName" -Case "$casename" -ExchangeLocation $finallist -SharePointLocation $urls -Enabled $True | out-null
New-CaseHoldRule -Name "$holdName" -Policy "$holdname" -ContentMatchQuery $holdQuery | out-null
New-CaseHoldPolicy -Name "$holdName" -Case "$casename" -ExchangeLocation $finallist -SharePointLocation $urls -Enabled $false | out-null
New-CaseHoldRule -Name "$holdName" -Policy "$holdname" -ContentMatchQuery $holdQuery -disabled $true | out-null
else {"No valid locations were identified. Therefore, the hold wasn't created."}

#write log files (if needed)
$newhold=Get-CaseHoldPolicy -Identity "$holdname" -Case "$casename" -erroraction SilentlyContinue
$newholdrule=Get-CaseHoldRule -Identity "$holdName" -erroraction SilentlyContinue
if(($ODAdded.count -gt 0) -or ($ODExluded.count -gt 0) -or ($finallist.count -gt 0) -or ($excludedlist.count -gt 0) -or ($newhold.isvalid -eq 'True') -or ($newholdrule.isvalid -eq 'True'))
Write-Host "Generating output files..." -foregroundColor Yellow
if($ODAdded.count -gt 0){
"OneDrive Locations" | add-content .\LocationsOnHold.txt
"==================" | add-content .\LocationsOnHold.txt 
$ | add-content .\LocationsOnHold.txt}
if($ODExluded.count -gt 0){ 
"Users without OneDrive locations" | add-content .\LocationsNotOnHold.txt
"================================" | add-content .\LocationsNotOnHold.txt
$ODExluded | add-content .\LocationsNotOnHold.txt}
if($finallist.count -gt 0){
" " | add-content .\LocationsOnHold.txt
"Exchange Locations" | add-content .\LocationsOnHold.txt
"==================" | add-content .\LocationsOnHold.txt 
$ | add-content .\LocationsOnHold.txt}
if($excludedlist.count -gt 0){
" "| add-content .\LocationsNotOnHold.txt
"Mailboxes not added to the hold" | add-content .\LocationsNotOnHold.txt
"===============================" | add-content .\LocationsNotOnHold.txt
$excludedlist | add-content .\LocationsNotOnHold.txt}
if($newhold.isvalid -eq 'True'){$newhold|fl >.\GetCaseHoldPolicy.txt}
if($newholdrule.isvalid -eq 'True'){$newholdrule|Fl >.\GetCaseHoldRule.txt}

else {"The hold wasn't created because no valid entries were found in the text file."}
Write-host "Script complete!" -foregroundColor Yellow
#script end